Cougars Like To Stay Anonymous On Cougar Dating Sites
When you’re looking to date a cougar, you’re going to find it’s a lot easier to meet these older women when you’re online. There are several reasons for this. Among the reasons why cougars are easier to find online than in real life is because cougars like to remain anonymous when they’re finding a young man to go on dates with. Cougars are often married and just looking for some fun, so cougar dating sites allows them to have fun without the risk of getting caught by their spouse. None of these women want to cause any trouble, or get a divorce. They just want to get together with a younger man. They crave being with someone they find attractive as a break from the norm they are used to. Whether married or not, it’s understandable why they may want to conceal their true identity when they’re online trying to meet a younger man for fun. Read on and you will discover how you can take advantage of their desire to be anonymous, so you can meet the kinds of women who will make it worth your time.
How Women Stay Anonymous On Cougar Dating Sites
First, consider how many of these women remain anonymous when they’re on public cougar dating sites. They will use pictures of their bodies, or blur out their faces, but give you all the important information so you can pick them over the other women on the site. As you’ll see from the other
cougar dating articles, these women know what they want as well as what they don’t want. They also know how to get what they want. Many simply use their body when looking to find a man, because they know guys are hardwired to be sexually attracted to women with a nice body. By allowing you to focus purely on their bodies rather than what they look like in the face, they can remain anonymous while still attracting the young men they desire to talk with them.
Many of these ladies will also not use their real name when they’re talking through cougar dating sites. You can expect that any name they will give you is completely made up. Just go with it. In fact from time to time you may even need to remind them what their name is. Just run with it, because these dates are purely for fun and not for creating meaningful relationships with. If she needs to be anonymous, you should allow her to stay anonymous and still be happy. You may even suggest using a false name when you start having more in depth conversations so that she will feel comfortable in doing so. It will also endear her to you, so you can get more of what you want.
Maintain Her Anonymity When Meeting
Since the goal of good cougar dating sites is to meet in person, you will have to take steps to make sure you’re going to help her remain anonymous. This means making sure if she wants to meet in a public place that you’re choosing a location she would not normally go to. Make sure to talk with her about where she normally likes to frequent and choose locations which are far away enough she shouldn’t have to worry about running into anyone she knows. Choosing locations where she can remain anonymous and feel at ease will increase the likelihood the date will go much better and you’ll get the results you’re looking for. Whenever possible, try to make sure you’re going to a location where you don’t normally frequent either. Having people recognize you when you go out will put your cougar on edge and can cause the date to turn sour very quickly.
After you find a location, make sure you sit your cougar with her back to the main action of the venue. The less she feels she is in the spotlight, the more comfortable she will feel. High backed booths in the back corner of a restaurant or bar are a great place to be seated to assure you’re going to have privacy on your side. For this reason, you should scout out locations before you make a suggestion. Think about where you’re going to sit as well as where she’s going to sit. This will allow you to choose a location and seating that will make the most sense for your date.
If she is willing, you may just suggest meeting at your place or at a hotel room. This often is only possible after you have been talking through cougar dating sites for a while. The biggest benefit is that there’s no way for her to be seen when she is going into either location. You can assure anonymity this way. The only downside is that she will not have that same level of comfort that comes with meeting in a public place. This is something you may have to wait to suggest until after you have met at least once in a public place. You want to assure her that you’re just looking for fun and not trying to do anything negative towards her. Once she has this comfort level, she’ll likely be willing to meet you anywhere.
Always Talk Through Cougar Dating Sites
As you will see in some of the other
cougar dating articles, cougars are not always eager to move as fast as you are. As a result, they will be very skittish about giving you their phone number or even an email address. In order to make sure she feels as comfortable as possible, you should always make sure to talk with her through the website itself. Good
cougar dating sites have chat functions built into the site itself. This allows you to talk as freely as you want to and whenever you want to. It’s just as easy as sending texts and it allows you and your cougar to be able to cut off the conversation at any time the level of comfort is no longer there.
If you need any help picking out the cougar dating sites that will allow you to speak directly with women,
you can read reviews about a great site that allows you to not only utilize text, but video chat as well. You’ll see just how easy it is to have that first face-to-face meeting without even having to leave the house. It will not only allow you to break the ice, but develop a level of comfort you would not be able to have any other way. What’s even better is that you’re able to use a mobile app many of these sites make available to you so you can video chat and text chat directly through the site. It offers you all the convenience you normally have through your smartphone with the added level of privacy many cougars are looking for.

Show Her You Understand Her Need For Privacy
No matter how many women you have met through cougar dating sites, the tendency is always going to be there to try and meet faster than she wants to, or to try to violate her privacy in some way. Always remember that cougars are going to choose the guys who show they can respect their need for being anonymous. Make sure you mention how important privacy is in your profile when you set it up. This will instantly attract women to you without you having to do any browsing. It will also assure that women will like what they see when they get on your profile to learn more about you. Be sure to mention not only that you’re willing to respect anonymity, but what lengths you will go to in order to make sure she will remain anonymous.
Also, in conversations, you should emphasize your ability to maintain her anonymity. Even when asking which places she likes to frequent so you can find a spot where she doesn’t normally go, you can ask general questions about the area rather than the exact spot and address she likes to go to. Make sure she doesn’t get the feeling you’re trying to locate her or find her even after you have enjoyed dating through cougar dating sites.
You will see in the
next article that cougars also like saving money. Make sure none of your ways of saving her anonymity will incur any kind of cost on her part. This will likely make it where you’re not going to get the date you’re looking for. Just take steps on your side that will allow her to feel safe and secure at all times and you will be well on your way to meeting as many cougars as you would like to get together with.
With the best cougar dating sites and all the hot older women you’ll find on them, you should have no trouble meeting the kinds of women you’re attracted to.